Psychological characteristics of research students: self-disclosure of abilities, self-concrpt, motivation

  • Elisey E. Yarovenko. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The article shows the importance of youth research activities. Emphasized here is a number of data on the stages and problems of student-researchers. The paper reveals the prob lems of becoming a student researcher, when the teacher acts as an influence factor, value-type barriers, the specifics of the training area chosen, as well as the motivation of research activities. The empirical sample consisted of 100 people from two universities. There were compared variables of two groups of researchers and a control group of students of the corresponding areas and courses. There were studied psychological specificities of students who have already experienced in research activities as authors of articles. To the variables belong the prevailing motivation types that distinguish research students, the composition of self-concept and self-
disclosure of abilities, interrelations between motivation types and categories from the composition of self-concept.
Keywords: student-researcher, characteristics, motives, categories of Self-concepts, self-disclosure of abilities, interrelations.